We have what it takes to fulfill any job, call, email, or fill out the form and we would love to help!
At Columbia Interpreting Services we have a number of Interpreters that are experienced in Legal Interpreting.
For Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals in need of medical interpreting, we can provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters.
CIS always strives to provide the most qualified and suitable interpreter for all situations and our interpreters have the experience level to aid in mental health language services. We have the ability to provide interpreters in an ethical manner to provide services for anyone’s mental health journey.
For Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals in need of interpreting and translation services, we can provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters. All of our ASL interpreters are licensed by The State Committee of Interpreters (SCI) and certified by the Board for Evaluation of Interpreters (BCI).
Being home of one of the largest universities in the State of Missouri as well as having several highly qualified and successful colleges and universities surrounding the Columbia area, CIS has several interpreters that can provide interpreting services to any age student.
Columbia Interpreting Services provides interpreters to any conference, any size in the State of Missouri and would love to be a part of your conference coming up. Please feel free to call or email us for more information and how we can help your event.
Columbia Interpreting Services provides interpreters for any religious event ranging from Church Services to Large Conferences. We have interpreters that will cater to your needs. For more information or to schedule your event call CIS Office, or email us.
At Columbia Interpreting Services, we have Tactile interpreters who can provide interpreting services for people who are Deaf-Blind. Please call the Office for further information or to schedule your event.
Columbia Interpreting Services has Certified Deaf Interpreters who can team with our hearing Interpreters.
At Columbia Interpreting Services, we understand that interpreter skills can take many different forms and functions. As such, we realize that not all interpreters will be right for you. In an effort to support as many individuals, businesses, and events as possible, we work with a diverse group of professionals perfectly suited for any situation.
If you or your organization are seeking a trained and licensed interpreter, Columbia Interpreting Services is happy to provide. Please contact us today.
Got a question? We’re here to help.
Columbia Interpreting Services Office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
If Columbia Interpreting Services is closed and it is an emergency you can text or call our after hours phone at 573-424-9144
We accept all major debit and credit cards, as well as Direct Deposit and Checks
While most of our interpreters are located near or in the Columbia Area, we do have interpreters all across the State of Missouri willing to provide services.
Columbia Interpreting Services has several Master Interpreters that can provide services in any legal setting.
Yes, CIS is contracted through the State of Missouri
Why wait any longer? Request an interpreter on 573-442-9876!